Saturday, January 24, 2009


Life definately has its suprises, it's ups and downs. We live in a very strange world with some very...different creatures. The thing that makes the world go around is this four letter world "love" which means a hell of alot more then it looks like.mean it's so simple, so easy for the word to flow out. You say it, nobody really understands the meaning of it, but they use because it make people feel good because part of the meaning is supose to be that you care for the person so much that it hurts. Back when a cowboy was something you saw everywhere you looked, love was real, it was rarely ever miss treated. Now, in this age of time, people use it to have sex or play with peoples minds. Not able to read someones mind they just either say it back and guess thats what it's supose to feel like or they take advantage of it. As far as it looks, when you're inlove, you can't live without that person, if you loose them, your life will no longer have any meaning, no one else can measure up to what you feel for that one that got away. And some people never get their one true love, either someone else thinks that it's theirs or they die. But you have to because with my first example. Because sometimes poeple only want someone just because they can't have them. If it were me, sure I'd tell them how I feel because there's no point in hiding it and acting strange like you're nervous about something as soon as you see them walk into the room. So yeah, if you're taking my advice, tell them, its somethign off your chest. But if you truely love someone, you have let them be happy. Yes,it would be great if that happyness he or she shared was with you, but if they're quite content with the one they're with, you can't stop that. No matter how wrong you may think they are for each other you gotta let them learn that for them selves. I for one think I sorta know what love is, but I'm not quite sure yet. I'm a firm believer though, that you have to experience true heartbreak to have foubd true love. It isn't just with a boyfriend or girlfriend. It's also with family and friends. Losing someone is always heartbreaking, but how close were you to them, how did they know about you, how long have they known you... did they really mean almost everything to you, but you knew deep down that they weren't the only one out there for you? It's still going to hurt though, because you don't really understand why. During that time in my life I kind of...smiled. you know why? Because I finally got over that hump, finally can say this is the worse and nothing worse then this can really happen to me. Lossing everything you got is as low as you can get. For some, you get saved. And someon appreiate it. But then there's some people who take everything for granted. They don't understand that in a blink of an eye, it can all just dissapear. But they don't care.But i'll never be like that, I'd rather just make it by then be rich, because then people use you for things. Like I'd rather be chubby then " hot" because then i know who my real friends are. I'd rather be myself then something someone else created. I need someone like that. Who can sitt in a rocking chair or porch swing and sing me a song while the sun starts to sett. Someone who will hold me close but give me space when I need it. Someone who will talk things through and compromise with me instead of just saying no. Someone who will argue with me but love me anyways, Someone who can just be there, and be happy. Someone who understands I'm young, but I'm not a little girl. Someone whos patient and kind, funny and smart. Someone who trusts me but always watching. Someone to risk a little to get a little more out of life. I still haven't found him yet. I thought I did, but.. thats another story.

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