Saturday, January 24, 2009


I've always wondered what people mean when they say, I can't live without you Well you did before you even met me, your life was perfectly fine. But then i think about it...and well, yeah okay, when people say that, their life was fine before they met that special person. But you made such an impact of how they think and feel that you just can';t go back to justr fine when you're absolutly fantastic... right? I've lost alot of people in the past couple of years, and I think to myself, eh all get over it, it was fun while it lasted but I lived with out for so long i'm sure I'll do just fine. But they made such a difference in my life just by saying I'm their friend or girlfriend or even best friend. The people that I've lost usually meant alot to me. I mean I'm losing three people right now, because of a job. Yes, a job. No time for becka because this job comes first. I mean I love that they're making good money and just just " getting by" anymore but I hate the fact that I have to go day to day knowing that they're going to forget about me eventually, like i wasn't even a part of their life. I mean, it doesn't even seem like i ever made a postive impact of their life anyways. I only brought nevatives along for the short ride of knowing these people.

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