Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I love-hate you

Those pictures you post...Those I took...and you look great. Those lines you preach, I wrote and you say them with more grace then I could ever. The way you say you hate me makes me want you more. I say I'm tired of all these mind games but really I crave them more then anything but I am tired of staring at you rfoma distance thinking.... Thats the one thing I really do want and the last thing I'll ever get. You know me better then anyone I've ever met. Everyone seems so dull when I compare. I ment to say this to you so many times in so many ways but I choked everytime.
When we kissed, the past disappeared
When you'd hold me, the world would disappear.
I'd forget about all the lies I've been told
And everyone that's ever hurt me.
When ever you get near me,
Or even talk to me,
My heart starts to beat faster then ever.
I keep running after you but some how you're faster
just walking away.
I love you.
Can't you see that? I always have.
I always will, I can't help it.
People don't restrict me from love.
I deserve to be happy just as anyone else does.
Give me the time of day and I'll show you just what I mean.
Cause for me, All it took was one kiss.

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