Sunday, January 18, 2009


Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy... I just can't seem to get my head around why he would call me a bitch. I mean yeah a lot of the time I get ma at him for doing dumb things. A lot oftimes I get mad because I really do care about him. I really want him to make something of himself. But he doesn't try... he realy doesn't, no matter how hard a try. I want him to be there for me as much as I am for him. He doesn't even talk to me during the day anymore. He texts me a couple hours after he wakes up... maybe five texts and then doesn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Unless I text time telling him that I'm still alive. He doesn't give a shit about me anymore.
I broke up with my previous boyfriend to be with him again... because he's always telling me how much he loves me and wishing we were together.... And then as soon as he got me... poof hes a whole other man. I wanted to marry this guy... but now? Now? I couldn't possibly... He goes around calling me a bitch and goes behind my back doing who knows what. I thought he was cheating on me before... but his friends told me he wasn't. Okay.. I believed him... but now I'm starting to wonder... Now I wonder if maybe he isn't what I thought he was this whole time. This whole time I thought he was a guy who was kind and loved me and would do anything for me... I thought he really was the one. The one I could spend the rest of my life with.... but no. You turned in to an asshole who doesn't give a shit about anything about me anymore. All you care about is drinking, smoking weed and friends. And her... probably. I can't handle it anymore. It's breaking my heart that I don't know you anymore. Please speak to me.... you tell me you love me but you have to show it.... you have show that you want to be with me! I cry because of you... I cry for you...what is happening? Because of drugs and alcohol... You've lost me. Do you really want to do that? I'm so scared...

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