Thursday, January 29, 2009


Bella sits out on the deck with a lit cigarette in her hand, deep in thought. She's thought about a lot these days, mainly about where she was going in her life, who would be there with her. She was so scared that she was making wrong decisions on and on but she wouldn't be able to see it until it was to late. She was about to inhale another long drag of her smoke when Frank walked out of the house. He didn't even see her until she let out a breath. "Oh hey darlin'. Didn't see you there. Now why would you be out here all alone?" He stared at Bella, he knew something wasn't right and he knew he wasn't going to find out for while, Bella being the stubborn type with her emotions.
"Getting some fresh air, and you know I love to watch the sunset. Why don't you come sit with me and enjoy it?"
"Fresh air hey?" Frank laughs at the typical smokers joke. "I'm sorry baby but I was going out to shoot cans with Bill, and I've been promising him for days." He gives her a pleading look.

Bella feel a twinge of annoyance but she understands that a man needs his play time. "Oh, alright sweet heart, enjoy. Tell Bill I said Hi." Her heart fluttered when she said his name out loud. "And please don't stay out all hours of the night, I worry you know."

Frank winks and gives her a kiss goodbye. If only she would have spoken up before she got in to deep, she wouldn't have a heart aching for the only man she's every truly felt so much for, it hurts. He's also the only man she will never get.

Sometime around midnight Bill and Frank came through the door all riled up and no where near ready for sleep. Bella rolled her eyes but smiled happy to see her two boys home safe. Maybe that's why she has stayed with Frank for so long, she can't stand not being around either of them, but she knows that in her heart, the man she wants isn't the man she shares a bed with every night. For her, the passion with Frank ended a long time ago. As much as she didn't want to believe it, she knew it was true and there was nothing denying it. The fact that she knows Frank loves her with everything in him, she could never break him like that. He must never know how she feels, and she will never let that secret out, because all hell will break loose. Her life will have not much meaning if she looses the farm and her boys, and of course the girl who's quiet, but crazy. "Hey Bella, sweetheart? You know a love you like a sister right?" Bella winced and turned around "Yes Bill, what is it?"
"Well see here, we've got a a whole lot of whiskey here and I don't want to drink it alone and Marie has to get up early tomorrow, so I was thinking that maybe me and Frank could have a little extra fun tonight? Maybe you can join in the fun?" He gave Bella the look that look that made her giggle hysterically. His face is so closed to hers and she so badly wants to kiss him.
"Bill, we all gotta wake up early. So I guess us three are pullin' an all nighter ain't we?" Bella gets up and grabs three glasses, "C'mon boys, I get first shot!"
This is the only time that Bella is allowed to show some of her feelings for Bill. Her mind isn't her own and she isn't responsible for her actions. Besides Frank and Bill take advantage of the fact that she'll do anything with a few drinks in her.

Let me know if I should write more.

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