Friday, April 10, 2009

First kiss

My hands are quivering because I felt that today, that this special boy would hold my hand. Well, not just hold me hand but link the silver cord. That cord has bonded us from the beginning and it was hopeless trying to cut it. There's nothing strong enough to saw through it. Even though we were just children walkng down my street. Just two kids curious and timid. I felt like I've known him for a very long time. Like we were destined for each other during another life time. Sprawled all over the floor, we just lay there. Looking. Just looking. He moves my hair from my face and tells me I'm the most beautiful women he's layed eyes on. He told me he saw his entire life in my eyes. He told me that he loves me. It took what seemed for ever for our lips to meet, I was scared and excited. But it felt like a surge of passionate electricity stung through me. It made me hungry for more. But yet, I still wanted to see his sweet face.

I laugh because this doesn't make sense but I laugh because It's entirely true.

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