Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forbidden part two

But see, Bella wasn't much of a drinker. She use to drink at a young age so she grew out of it faster then most. Plus, she doesn't want to look like a complete idiot infront of Bill, and Frank wouldn't enjoy himself if he has to take care of me.

So she had a shot or two and stopped. Playing their little dare game and giving Bill a quick shy kiss on the cheek. We were both flushed from drinking but I'm pretty sure I must have been bright red and sqirming a bit because Frank gave me a curious look. Bella sat there in choking on words to change whatever Frank was thinking of her, "Darlin, is it my turn now?" She said warily. "Eh? Oh yes. Your turn Bella dear." Still half distracted replaying the scene in his mind.

"Bill, I dare you to go get Maria. She's probably up anyway cause she don't sleep without you there."

"Yeah, you're probably right Bella, plus it's funner with four people here anyways." He winks, grabs his hat and drags his heavy booted feet to and out the door.

"What was that?" Frank's still watched Bella cafefully with hard eyes.

"What was what hun? Oh you mean when I turned red?" Red? Now she probably looked feverishly.

"Yes. Bella, do you like Bill? Oh god Bella please tell me if thats true!" His chest starts heaving, shakey hands cupping the back of his neck.

"No, well yes. I love him to death... as a friend. As a brother. Wouldn't you turn tomato red if you had to kiss your brother Frank?" She hope she didn't look to guilty, because that's all her mind is fill to the rim with it.

"Well, yeah I guess so. Maybe we should stop playing though, or just no kissing unless its me or Maria." Frank suggested, like always.

"Sure baby, I love you. You know that?" Bella told him with alot of meaning, and she did love with everything she had. She just couldn't control how she felt about Bill too.
The house phone rings and Bella jogs to go pick it up. "Hello?"
"Bella? Oh my lord, you have Bill there don't you. I wish I could see him, but I best go before they realize it's me. Remember, you have Frank. Don't be a tramp." Maggie hung up the phone before she could even say goodbye. In confusion Bella hung up and went to sit in Franks lap.
"Is Maria here yet Bill?"
"No Bella, she's just getting dressed, whats up?"
"Maggie called...I really think we should block her number or something." Bella said knowing that Bill would never do such a thing when we both knew that he still has a bit of a flame burning for her.
"Nah, just leave it be. She'll go away sometime."
Fuck her. Bella couldn't help but be pissed at her secret best friend for Falling for him. Before her. She was always telling Bella how much of a wonderful man he is and how well he had cared for her in those bright nights in his truck. Bella of course has a very creative mind and somehow instead of picturing Maggie she pictured herself, in Bills arms. Frank doesn't do that. He would if she asked, but this sort of thing is spontaneous... and not planned. She's happy with what she has but she's also looking for a bit of excitement as well.
Bella looks at Bill, she looks at her boots and how they're worn down so much the soles are sure to fall off soon. Then she looks at Franks, all shiney and looking brand new, she helps him polish them all the time. Then she looks at Bills hat, it's old and so is his face. Missing teeth, chapped lips and sleep in his eyes. If she were any younger Bella would guess he's about fifty years old!

Bella's mind was still looking Bill up and down when Frank told her he was heading up to bed. She said she'd be there in a minute. Bella sent Bill and Maria home and said she'd wake them up in the morning so they can get there yard work done.
She crawls into bed and gives Frank a kiss goodnight. Of course wide awake. Damn. Her mind wondered to Bill again. Angry, and easily fusturated Bill. Bill who could never make up his mind. The man who cheats. The man who has many flaws. The man she could hate if he wasn't her mans best friend. So why did she like him. Did she even like him? Was it jealousy? Maybe I really do love Frank, maybe I just got caught up in Maggie's story that Bella thought she loved him to.
Frank loves me, and I love him. I love only him. He's been there for me even at my worst moments. Bill always left. Bill was fucking her best friend. Bill doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. She don't love him. She never loved him. She loved the stories she heard. But Bella knew they were dramatized and fake. Just like his and Maria's love. Like his love for Maggie.
Bella sat up and jumped on Frank, saying I love you over and over again. Of course he was confused but replied each time and saw that in her eyes that she really did love him, and only him. They made love that night and never ended up going to sleep. They didn't do their yard work and they didn't end up waking Maria and Bill. Just layed in bed all day hold each other.

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